The One About Being Happy

Positive thoughts from

Sunday 14 June 2009

The One About School Trips

Okay, I LOVE school trips, but can never decide what to wear. For the entire week before the actual trip everyone is asking you, changing their mind, borrowing stuff, and you STILL have no idea what the unnofficial 'dress code' is- the type of thing that everyone ends up wearing.

In the next 2 weeks, I have 2 trips- one to France (going to Boulogne, and shopping), and one to Ypres (History trip, looking at the graves).

For the Boulogne trip (a day), we had a letter sent out, saying that we couldn't wear: Low-cut tops, short shorts (had to be knee length or longer), short skirts or short dresses. Well, since the letter also reccomened taking a 'bum bag' (I think that it was worded as a 'body belt'), everybody decided that it was probrably written in about 1990, so we're just going to wear whatever.

The Ypres trip is another day trip, but since we're going to the massive graveyards, do we need to wear dark colours? It's obvious that some t-shirt slogans shouldn't be worn, but are we expected to wear dark stuff? Also, this trip is 18 hours, so I need to take a BIG bag.

At the moment, it looks like I'm wearing my blue ruffled dress with red hearts and flowers on, and having a small-ish black handbag (we can leave stuff on the coach) with my black flip-flops for the France trip, and my black flowery dress, black flip flops and brown massive handbag (I know that you dont normally wear black and brown together, but there are other colours on the dress so it's okay) for the Ypres trip.

I'll probrably change my mind again before the trips (this friday and next friday), but do these outfits sound okay? xx

Thursday 4 June 2009

The One About The Sun

Isn't the sun great? It makes everything seem (I know that this will sound stupid) sunnier :)
I mean really, you can't be upset/angry when the sun is shining and it's hot (for England).

The other good thing about the sun, other than meaning that its nearly summer is that all of the summer songs are released (sounding stupid again, I know), and they're all really catchy, cheerful... and annoying once we get to October and have heard them SO many times. But while it's sunny, they're anazing.

Also when it's hot, you end up thinking less about what you're wearing: in winter, you can layer, but when it's sunny, you just throw on a cami, white trousers/a skirt and flip flops. I ADORE flip flops- there are SO many styles, and you can wear them with anything :) xx

Thursday 14 May 2009

The One About Summer

I am SOO excited about summer! It's only just hit me that I have a week's holiday, then it's June! Once June is here, it's only a while before July, then HOLIDAYS!!

I'm mega mega excited because first we're off on a family holiday which should be great :) Then its my Uncle's wedding! After that, we're visiting :) :)

Should be so much fun as I'm seeing people that I only see once a year, so it'll be great to see them!

So excited.... :) Can't wait to see people and go places xx

Wednesday 13 May 2009

The One About Chocolate

Chocolate is just the best thing ever. Seriously- it can make you feel better when you're upset, and can mend a broken heart (apparantly).
I was thinking, and it's the only food that I get a craving for when I know EXACTLY what I want to eat. I mean, I can really want something sweet, but then it doesn't matter what sweet stuff I eat, my craving is gone. But with chocolate, if I want some, I know EXACTLY what I want, whether it's dark, mint or normal.
Does anybody else get cravings for a certain type of chocolate? Like when you would do ANYTHING for a bar of ....?

I think that my absolute favourite chocolate has to be dark mint- like After Eights but a bar. Not to keen on white chocolate personally- its not chocolatey enough for me (0% cocoa lol). I also LOVE minstrels (by Galaxy)- they have a hidden meaning for me and my friend, but they're so good- dark chocolate, but they've got a hard shell so they're easy to eat. Perfect! xx

Saturday 9 May 2009

The One About OCD

I HAVE CURED MY OCD(well a bit of it anyway)!!!! See, what I USED to do is counting my steps up to 8, and then start again. I had all sorts of rules, like my left leg was odd numbers and my right leg was even.

But then, when I was walking across this field to go and do my paper round, I was listening to a song (that I don't really like that much: Idaho by Nerina Pallot), then I suddenly realised that I had been listening to the song so carefully that I wasn't counting my steps! This might seem like I'd just forgotten, but I've been doing it for about a year, and I can be having a conversation with someone, thinking about what we're talking about and STILL counting my steps.

So then, for the hour and a half that I was doing my paper round, I wasn't counting my steps AT ALL. I even stopped my 'surface changing thing'- where if I was walking on some grass and about to walk onto some concrete, for example, I'd have to have my last step on my right leg, and my first step on my left leg, and it'd have to be on a 2, 4 or 8 step. Strange, I know.

BUT I HAVE STOPPED DOING THAT!! Well, I hope it'll last lol. But it was so relaxing to just listen to my music, not having to practice counting up to 8.

I also have some other OCD-ish stuff but if I type it, I think that I would be classified as unstable/unhinged lol. xx

Friday 24 April 2009

The One About Hayfever

I'm sorry, but isn't hayfever just about the WORST thing ever? I mean, summer's meant to be all fun and sun, but as soon as you even THINK about lying on some grass to sunbathe (well, burn in my case), you end up sneezing with your eyes like sandpaper :(
And THEN, if embarassing yourself with a sneezing fit isn't enough, you end up with mascara smeared down half of your face because your eyes are watering, then you rub the mascara away and make your eyes water even more. Happy days (SARCASM!)!

But if you don't get hayfever at the moment, make the most of it!! Mine only started last year and its SO annoying/uncomfortable/painful, so make the most of not having it!

And if you do have hayfever at the moment, it gives you the perfect excuse to wear your sunglasses ALL THE TIME! xx

The First One

Helloo :)

This is my blog and where i'll be boring whoever reads it about my little life in finch (as you may have guessed from the name- lol)
I'll update whenever I feel like I have enough of a story to write something, and you can read it when you are bored of watching paint dry :)

Luv you all (well, most of you lol)
Rachael xxxx